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eGurus Techonology Tutors Service Area Burnaby, BC
eGurus Technology Tutors Now Proudly Serving Burnaby, BC

Shahiroz Walji

Shahiroz loves meeting new people and is passionate about helping her clients use technology to better their lives. She has had a keen interest in technology since she was sixteen, and has been working the tech field for many years. In fact, she was awarded ‘Manager of the Year’ during her time managing a tech department at a major retailer. Shahiroz likes to sing, and enjoys yoga and spending time in nature. She’s also an avid reader — her most used app is iBooks!


About Burnaby

Burnaby is a city in British Columbia, Canada, located immediately to the east of Vancouver. It is the third-largest city in British Columbia by population, surpassed only by nearby Surrey and Vancouver.