Posted By: Jennifer Cairns to Security 3 years ago

This is a great step in the right direction for Apple but why leave Canada out? Why only offer the two step security verification steps to the US, UK, Australia, Ireland, and New Zealand. A strong password is only as good as the company who is maintaining the system storing it.
We have so many accounts connected now. The convenience is great but at what cost? We need to keep reminding ourselves the nightmare journalist Mat Honan went through.
Don't make your password recovery questions have answers that are easy to look up on Google. If you receive telemarketing phone calls, don't entertain them with conversation.....hang up! You don't owe them anything (even conversation). Remember, they were inpolite in the first place for callinng you.
The move, which follows similar moves by Google, will make it far harder for hackers to steal Apple ID login credentials. These credentials are important because they are used in conjunction with iCloud to store content, and in downloading apps from ...