Posted By: Jennifer Cairns to Apple 3 years ago

What a shocking stat to learn.....Apple only pays 2% in taxes.
I'm speechless and very disappointed. I love Apple products but seriously?! The US has been hit with the worst economic times since the Great Depression and could really use the tax dollars of the businesses that are flourishing. Paying as little tax as possible is part of any business plan and any good business manager will look at the tax implications before making any decisions but at some point morals should kick in. Although businesses legally work the system to their advantage, it should be done within reason. How much money do you really need?
Hats off to Bill and Linda Gates for their philanthopy. Consumers, please support businesses whose leaders choose to run operations with a social conscience.
You are. Individual taxpayers paid more than $1 trillion in Federal income tax in 2011, while corporations paid only $181 billion. Remember those figures the next time they tell you we can't afford to provide the government services that have helped ...